Hey, thanks for taking a moment here.
This is the only space I'll speak to you directly, I'll try to keep my mouth shut everywhere else.
I am offering you a space to explore. If you're looking for something,
maybe you can find it here.
I hope this thing finds you well.
I hope it leaves you feeling better.
Thank you,
Thank you.
This, here, is everything I have to offer.
These pages, as you encounter them, are static. No conditionals, no flipping a switch to solve the puzzle, no change. They are and will remain as they were when first transmitted to you.
All of the links go to what they say they are, no obfuscation. I'm trying to be as clear as possible.
Your position in space is very important, you might want to find a way to keep track of where you are. Bookmark the url or remember filenames if you want to "Save your progress". Keep a notebook. Also a reminder that space is the warp to time's weft: interwoven.
And finally, a note I once saw marking an old site:
"make sure you use that back button up in your toolbar! I'm going to be gradually phasing out the 'back' hyperlinks on my website, since Netscape and all other modern browsers have back buttons now. Get used to it!"